Wednesday, September 25, 2013


People always say that senior year is always the best year. You plan your life so your senior year is always the easiest. However it's always the busiest in the sense that you are on a deadline for everything. From making sure you graduate on time and have enough units and you've taken the right classes to making sure you have a plan for after graduation, whether it be a job or graduate school, to where you're going to live, it all comes down to surviving and getting through it all.

I always seem to bite off more than I can chew.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love everything I am doing.  I wouldn't be happy if I wasn't busy doing what I am doing.  From working on Bel Canto (BC) things to going to class, taking my online classes, and making sure I still have some time to breathe and relax a little, it's still a lot.  But I still love it. And in all honesty, I'd rather be super busy all the time and enjoy it, rather than having a lot of extra time on my hand and not use that time wisely.

Now that I'm onto my 4th week of school, I am slowly but surely, getting into the swing of things and just my daily/weekly schedule.  I honestly wouldn't change anything the way this semester is going for the world.  Even though I glance at my monthly calendar on my wall and start having mini panic attacks...

I know that through it all, God is going to help me get through it all, no matter what. Even if things don't go my way. I just have to remember to trust in Him.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will direct your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Jack Rogers

This is the pair I got off Rue La La
For the past few years, I've heard and read about people who love wearing Jack Rogers sandals.  Of course I had to know what they were talking about and so I had begun to research about them and loved the Navajo sandal.  Unfortunately, being a college student and not having much money due to paying bills and things like that, I held off for a few years on buying them.

Well, I began to subscribe to the website Rue La La, which has wonderful deals for 2 days from many different designers and companies. I had seen Jack Rogers show up on Rue La La a few times, but didn't like the color that they were selling. Well, this last time, they had a pair of pink plaid Navajo sandals, and I had to jump on it! (Especially since Rue La La had given me a $30 credit!)

When they first arrived in the mail, I was kind of annoyed because they were so tight and I had to break them in, since they're leather and hand made. After a day of wearing them though, they are seriously one of the most comfortable pairs of shoes I own!  :)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

School Year Goals

There's a weird feeling after venting and crying and letting everything you're stressed about, out. This week has been one for the records. Well, maybe the past 3 weeks?

Every year, it seems as if school starts earlier and earlier. This year, I got an email from one of my professors saying that we needed to have reading done before the first day of school. And after that, paper after paper was due, even on the first full week of school.  It seems as if things have become never ending.

With all the stress from school, and trying to figure out about applying to graduate school, and where to live, and who to live with, and how to somehow come up with the money to live on my own, I just needed a break. Oh, and did I mention I have a final tomorrow for one of my online classes??

This school year, I am trying something new. I am doing my very best to get as much homework done on Saturdays so I don't have to do anything on Sunday. They call Sunday the "day of rest" for a reason; so why not actually follow it? After coming home from church in the afternoons, there is something wonderful about eating a light lunch, and then taking a Sunday afternoon nap. Or watching a movie or just hanging out with friends, imagining what our lives would look like, if our Pinterest boards were our real life.

So as this school year progresses, my goals are to:
1) Not stress out TOO much
2) Take time for myself to just RELAX
3) Enjoy the moment. Enjoy senior year. Enjoy my friendships and continue to grow in them.
4) Oh, and of course, GRADUATE ON MAY 3, 2014!

Monday, September 16, 2013


People believe that Baseball is the "All-American Sport", and that's definitely true since Baseball has such a rich history.

Well, remember when I told you that I'd be posting on a spontaneous adventure that my roommate and I created? Well now that's time!

Here's the story: I was just relaxing in my room working on some homework and talking to my roommates. My other roommate, Amanda, rushed into my room on Thursday of last week and asked what I was doing on Sunday. I replied that I had no idea. She then continued to tell me that there were Giants vs. Dodger tickets on sale for $10. (For those of you who don't know, they are HUGE rivals!) Well, of course we had to go if they were only $10.

Yesterday was so much fun. 4 hours of sitting in the hot blazing sun, watching a great game. Bottom of the 9th inning, Dodgers had the bases loaded, and the Giants were up 4-3. And... THE GIANTS WON!!!

My roommate Amanda and I

Oh, did I mention Shawn's a Dodgers fan?!
(via Instagram)

The 3 Giants fans: Daniel, Amanda, and I

Friday, September 13, 2013

Room Organization

I am the kind of person who at the start of the school year must ALWAYS have everything and organized in their place.  If things aren't in their place when it comes to school, I feel like I'm losing my mind.  I have changed a few things that I am doing this year, which is starting by ALWAYS making sure that my desk is clean and my bed is made. Last year, my bed was in this weird position where it was hard to make it everyday.  This year, I'm able to make it very easily and it also helps knowing that when people walk into my room, it's one of the first things that they see.

I also added curtains right above my windows, just because the blinds don't do a very good job at blocking out the sunlight if I am sleeping in on the weekends. It also helps when it is hot and it keeps our room much cooler.  I keep my "regular" bags hanging right on my bedpost and keep my laundry under my bed where I store my suitcases and things.  My dresser as well as one of my roommates is also under my bed as well.

Next to my bed, I have my desk area.  My roommate found this great little bookshelf that we share. The top shelf is mine, and it houses all of my textbooks and library books that I am using for my senior thesis paper (Ethics & Education: Music in the Elementary Schools).  I also have one of our 4 lamps on the bookshelf and a photo of my family, a clock, and other random things that I just happen to use all the time.  I also have my wall calendar, class schedule, and other things up on the wall.  I'll go into detail more later on how I stay organized more specifically!

What are some ways that you keep your areas neat and organized? I always love hearing different tips that other people have!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Welcome to the School Year

After a very busy summer and taking a break from blogging, I'm back!

This summer was great! It was busy, productive, and fun.  In a nutshell, I was able to do summer school, go to Boston, New York, cabin lead at camp again this year, go down to LA a few times, and I also got to work.

Being back here at APU is somewhat unreal for me. I know I'm a senior now, but it still hasn't fully hit that it's my last year here.  It's hard to believe how fast it's gone by. Now with choir camp all over and a whole week of school under my belt, I have finally gotten into the swing of things. I've created my schedule for everything and I am really enjoying the classes that I am taking this semester.
I am excited for this year, and I can't wait to see everything that happens!

P.S. Keep posted for a post coming up about a little spontaneity!