Monday, April 22, 2013

Take time to Relax

For some reason, this semester seems as if it has been more stressful than other semester.  While trying to get papers done, studying for tests and quizzes, other homework assignments, getting work done for Bel Canto, as well as trying to make time for myself where I can relax and hang out with friends, the time has gone by very quickly.  It's like this semester has been squished into one month of craziness. Except for the fact that the semester is practically over.  

I've been trying to figure out ways in which I can make myself relax so I can make it through whatever is going on in my life.  In my Psych class last week, the whole class period was devoted to making us relax and not think or worry about school.  At the beginning of the class period, my teacher collected all of our phones.  We watched a video and closed our eyes and just listed to music.  She then sent us outside to not talk to anyone and just sit for 20 minutes. Or walk around.  Lastly, we came back in and she had us lie down and just meditate and relax our bodies. I honestly fell asleep.  

This semester I've learned how important it is to 1, have a bedtime and actually get a good amount of sleep. 2, to make time for yourself to just sit and relax without everything running through your brain.  3, the importance of being patient and not worrying so much.  4, time management is EXTREMELY importnat, and lastly, 5, Downton Abbey is a great show! Seriously, you all need to go watch it.  

Monday, April 15, 2013

Zack and Zach Take LA

So here's the deal. You need to check out this video. It's a new reality web series.  My friends are trying to make it big. So watch this video. Share this video. Let's make this happen! Click the link for the video!

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Magic Pillow Case

Like I said in my previous post, during spring break I was able to just relax and hang out with friends and family.  During that time, I also pulled out my old sewing machine.  I've been missing doing crafts like that and so I decided to make myself a new pillow case.  Well, 10 pillow cases later, and spring break was over.

If any of you want to make your own pillow case, you should really follow this pattern: The Magic Pillow Case.  It's a very easy pattern for a beginner sewer.  I know that when I get home, I'll be back to sewing.  I am hoping to find some more simple projects that I can make and use as gifts.

The new pillow case I made for myself!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

4 Weeks Left

It's kind of scary to think that 4 weeks from now, I'll be on a bus full of girls for our choir tour.  School will be over. Finals will be behind us. It's amazing how fast this school year has gone by.

Spring break was wonderful. It was a very much needed break.  When I went home, I took no school work with me.  I just really needed a break where I didn't have to think about school. I did do a little choir work though. But that's always fun.  I was able to catch up with some old friends from high school and some friends from church.  I was also able to enjoy a nice week at home with my family.

Baseball season started, which means talking about the Giants and the Dodgers has become an every day conversation topic.

I've been back to school for a week now, and it's taken me a little while to get back into "school mode".  Luckily, I've been able to get all my work done on time and some papers have even gotten pushed back!  However, with only 3 weeks of school left and 1 week of finals, there is still a lot of work to get done.

Go Giants!