Sunday, April 8, 2012

As Spring Break Comes to an End...

Easter Morning with my cousin.
I will admit that I am wearing heels.
Happy Easter everyone! I realize that it has been such a long time since I've updated my blog, but I figured that since this was my last night home for Spring Break, I would do a little update.  Scattered throughout this post are a couple pictures from today!

Aside from the fact that I had a wonderful weekend hanging out with my cousin, and having a wonderful Easter dinner with my family, this past Spring Break/Easter Break has just been crazy!  Well, more specifically the past month. I could barely believe that February flew by, let alone March. How is it that it is April already?! I am going to be done with my second year of college in less than a month. That is just unreal to me.  

Easter Dinner!
Anyway, here is a short little update of what I've been up to the past few weeks.  I have seen The Hunger Games Movie, not once, not twice, but THREE times. Yes, I know. Many people think I'm obsessed, but I promise I'm not.  I just so happened to see it with different groups of people. This Spring Break I was also able to have the chance to finish up The Hunger Games Trilogy and although many may say that they didn't enjoy the rest of the books, I thought they were all very good.  Some parts were more confusing than others, but it is a book that keeps one reading, which I really liked.

This past week I also went to go see the movie October Baby. Later on I will do an official post about this movie, but since it may not be out in theaters for much longer, I just want to say that if you haven't heard of the movie or haven't seen it, look it up and go see it. It has a great message and I personally related because it was a movie about adoption.  Below is the movie trailer, so check it out!

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