Friday, May 25, 2012

Update Time

At Knott's Berry Farm
I know that this post is very long overdue, but the past couple of months has just been a crazy whirlwind of all these different events happening.  Since Spring Break ended (and that is when I last updated this blog), I have gone on many different adventures with my friends. We ended up spending the day at Knott's Berry Farm, going to an Anaheim Angel's game against the Oakland A's (yes, I was happy that the Angel's won!), had a future roommate photo shoot, and also ended up going on a little adventure to Venice Beach.  Talk about some interesting people there.  I was also able to go on tour with some of the most amazing young women I know.  We went to 7 different states within 16 days. If we calculated, that is approximately 3,005 miles that we drove. So now that you have a little idea of what has been going on in my life recently, let me break it down for you all and go into a little bit more detail. 

Future Roommate Photo Shoot
Knott's Berry Farm, Angel's Game, a Photo Shoot, and Venice Beach
Shawn and I at Venice Beach
(Plus our official "Third Wheel")
My friends and I have really enjoyed getting to know each other better day by day.  We enjoy just hanging out and playing games to sitting around eating a meal together. Eventually we make it off campus to go on a little adventure. We had a great time at Knott's Berry Farm riding all the different rides and also just having a great time. That even included watching a show about some cowboys! Yes, you can bet that Megan just loved it. 

As I look back, I realize what a crazy busy weekend that way. The next day we went to an Anaheim Angel's game to celebrate our friends birthday. Yes, the Angels won, and I was very glad because they were playing the Oakland A's. Coming from a San Francisco Giant's family, I wasn't going to root for the A's. It was fun being with friends and enjoying the game while snacking on some very yummy hot dogs and peanuts!

The following weekend, was again, another very busy weekend. My future roommates and I went on a photo shoot just so we could have photos we could have printed and the put in our apartment. Plus, we needed a reason to hang out and get dressed up. Let me say, although it was awkward at times because we didn't know what to do, the photos are hilarious! 

Link for the edited photos from the Photo Shoot:

Link for the unedited photos from the Photo Shoot:

The ladies who kept me sane over Tour
That same day, we decided that we wanted to go to the beach, so we all adventured over to Venice Beach. Now here's a funny side story. It was so hot in Azusa that we thought it would be the perfect day to go to the beach. Well, so did everyone else in the Los Angeles area. It took us almost 2 or 3 hours just to get to Venice. And by the time we got there, it was cloudy and starting to get a little cold. It was okay though because we still had a very good time tossing the frisbee around on the beach. 

Bel Canto Women's Choir Tour 2012 #bcTUBE12
53 Women, 16 days, 7 states, and 3,005 miles later, we had finally completed our tour. Now don't get me wrong, we had a great time and it was so much fun being able to get to know all of these young women so much better, but 16 days with all girls is a little long! By the time we finally were able to get off the bus when we arrived back in Azusa, I was so happy just to see other faces! 
It was wonderful being able to meet so many different host families in all of the different states we traveled to and it was also great being able to minster to many different groups of people. We even were able to go to the Mormon Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah. While in Utah, I even got to float in The Great Salt Lake! It really does work. You don't have to try at all to float. I even managed to somehow float on my stomach. That was also quite the experience.  But overall, it was such a great two weeks and if you want to see photos and get an idea of what tour was like go to Facebook and like our page: APU Bel Canto Women's Choir!

Shawn and I after my final concert
(Sorry it's a blurry photo)
We had our final concert in Azusa, and it was great seeing a good amount of my friends show up. We had a potluck dinner and we got to share about what tour was like and share all of our favorite songs from choir with our friends and family.  At the end of the concert, all of the members were acknowledged and were given either a flower, journal and flower, or mug depending on how many years they were in choir.  The graduated seniors also got a special necklace. It was definitely a night full of tears, but also happy tears!

Oh, and how could I forget!? 
With my roommates after they got Baptized!
Both of my roommates got baptized! And let me tell you, I was one happy roommate that night! God has been so good to me this year by blessing me with wonderful friends and roommates. I don't know how I would have survived this past school year without every single person that I interacted with this past school year. 

A Look into this Summer!
Well, this summer is going to be quite a busy one for me, and hopefully I'll be able to update this blog more often.  I am currently working, and I will also be cabin leading at Mt. Hermon, as well as going on vacation to Lake Tahoe with my mom's side of the family.  With all this going on, there are also a few family weddings getting thrown into the schedule as well as me trying to schedule time in to see all of my friends from home, as well as hopefully getting some visits from friends from school! 
So keep checking my blog for more updates from me!

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